Amy received her coaching certification through The Life Purpose Institute, an accredited institute of the International Coach Federation. With over 20 years experience in education, Amy’s ability to help others connect to the source of their motivation comes from her own well-earned experience with life’s ups and downs. Amy’s love of people and innate curiosity buoyed her career as an educator and artist. Not surprisingly, Amy brings this same gift of interpersonal enthusiasm to her work as a life coach.
In 2012, Amy returned to school, receiving her Bachelor’s of Arts in Performing Arts from St. Mary’s College of California in 2015, and along the way acquired a newfound passion for mathematics and chemistry. This propelled her into tutoring and substitute teaching in both subjects. Amy is also a long-time dance instructor, experience that imbues her client interactions with a firm and easy-going confidence and a deep understanding of how to help you feel at home in your own body.
No stranger to adversity, Amy herself had to reach deep to rekindle her sense of meaning in life after the sudden and untimely death of her fiancé in 2011. This also meant creating a new professional identity, and Amy faced numerous challenges supporting herself while attending school and learning herself to override that nagging voice that tell us we’re not good enough.
Amy’s desire to help others and skill in doing so arose out of facing her own challenges, and now she’s here to help you find your own true voice—the one that will guide you to the fulfilling life you’ve always wanted.